Separate ambient / indoor lighting ( No shadow inside buildings )

F. Ritter

It would be nice if the sun only created shadow outside of buildings.


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This would be perfect.


Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: In progress


Gaëthan Vliegen

reflections on even Abstract customizable walls are becoming an issue.



How hard is it to add what should be such a basic feature.


It's a pity that this has been requested for the past 2 years and is still considered 'planned'. Even a toggle for reflections would suffice at this point.

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It's kind of upsetting that this hasn't been prioritized.

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I would like to have the option to turn off shadows completely so as to export a flat map. I would also like to have the option to turn off reflections. With these two options I could have a basic/straightforward map.

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There's already an option to "Show ceiling in the room in Cinematic mode". I think it would be safe to make indoors shadowing respect the same setting - if the sky is shown in the room, the shadows are drawn as they are now. If the "ceiling" is enabled - the shadows are not drawn inside.
Also it would be nice if windows actually emitted a bit brighter light than the rest of the room (not necessarily directional, just small lighter areas near windows).

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Rick Rausch

I think the lighting needs to be controlled at the room level if necessary. In various games, there are light spells that affect areas so a room could have bright light with no visible light source. Maybe a map creator would want this anyway so the map is easily seen.


Joseph Mays

Also, the problem with using the daylight adjustments is that if you adjust the light to be directly overhead anything shiny in the room immediately turns full white because it's reflecting the light source directly back at the viewer. There definitely needs to be a way to just set let to even and ambient in covered spaces.

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Indoor lighting, shadows, and color are currently fully determined by orientation of the sun and windows serve no purpose to a rooms's lighting.

Currently In order to create a room that doesn't appear roofless on a map due to shadows. You must employ jank work-arounds such as filling the space outside a room with cave walls to cast a roof-like shadow over it. Which isn't practical when creating indoor/outdoor hybrid maps such as towns, or villages.

With its virtual tabletop compatibility this program has insane potential to create large interactive spaces for players to immerse themselves in..

But when a player walks into a room from an outdoor space and sees how scuffed the lighting is, it takes away from that immersive experience.

I believe that above all other features development efforts should be focusing on overhauling the lighting system as a whole. It will result in

1: More high quality looking maps

2: A more seamless experience for players (especially on virtual-tabletops)

3: More professional mapmakers using the program (therefore more revenue)

And 4: Satisfying the many others who have pointed this out and have put the program on-hold until its added properly.

Don't underestimate the importance of shading/lighting in art. Please take this seriously as it will bring dungeon alchemist to a new level of quality.

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Merged with: Separate ambient / indoor lighting (LIGHTING OVERHAUL)



Status changed to: Planned


This feature was falsely marked as live. It has NOT been implemented.



Status changed to: Live


Mac Community Manager

Status changed to: In progress



Full agree on this. Just a way to avoid sunlight inside rooms.


Canned Man

There should also be an option to have an area in a dungeon which does get sunlight, such as in this map I made. The center of the underground map receives sunlight from the hole in the ground above; being able to cast sunlight across the correct area down below would greatly improve the atmosphere down below.

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I completely agree, this should definitely be something added

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Jonathan Miller

While the ceilings of rooms are not shown in DA obviously they exist in the building being represented. There should be an option to prevent sunlight from "incorrectly" illuminating things inside rooms through the ceiling.

Yes, you can currently turn down the brightness of the sun and simulate night/no sunlight, but it would be amazing to see rooms with daytime illumination correctly shining through their windows.

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Matthew Cress

Ya, I find this to be annoying trying to move the angle of the lighting to not have any shadows in my buildings

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Yeah, this seems like a miss bordering on a bug... Generally we would assume that rooms have roofs so the only outside light should have to come in through the windows. I guess some people might want to have roofless rooms, but it seems like the default behavior should be to create an invisible "roof" on each room that blocks light from above. Maybe with an option to turn it off.

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Colin Buckler

should be an option to tick to create a shadow from an outside light source outside of the room. if you create a room with an open roof then you would need shadow from the outside light source (i.e. sun/moon)

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