Dungeon Alchemist as it's own VTT (VTT-lite)

Mark Skarr (Mark Skarr)

With the Hero Forge integration, an actual VTT using Dungeon Alchemist as a non-specific RPG VTT would be ideal. Obviously, additional features would need to be added, which I think would necessitate this as an add-on/subscription, but, I'd rather use this than the others (I use Tabletop Simulator, hence my 3d bias).


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John O


I use Foundry to handle in-person play on a flat screen tv battlemap and if DA supported line of sight, fog of war and vision modes for tokens, I might be able to just start using DA directly as my map tool of choice.

Even if it supported only a single user mode this would be insanely useful to me, although a DM and player view would be even better.

I'd much rather my players saw the animated (and 3d view) of my maps than the limited version they get today in Foundry.



I also would love it to have it as its own vtt and also like that only the dm has to buy it because well if all have to buy it it can get pretty expensice


j hahn

Would be nice to assign players a token and have a initiative tracker, then as you are stepping thru initiative the camera could change view based on that players first person view. Maybe over-the-shoulder to give a better view of the room.
Multiple displays would be nice: table top display showing top down, display at the end of the table showing player first person perspective, and in a really cool world a third display for a DM screen. Two would track the player tokens, DM could control initiative, doors, traps, weather, lighting, etc. All those cool things DMs do. Might be a stretch for video requirements.

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This is what DA needs, just let me and my friends and access my maps in 3d and move their tokens, with some fog of war. doesn't need online rolling or initiative or character sheets or any of that fluff that makes existing VTTs cluttered (its easier to have real dice and a DDB tab open anyway) Just shared access to maps I make and token movement. Once it has that it becomes THE D&D map tool.

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*Controlling their minis from isometric and 1st person view I meant to say. I put all these fun nods to characters or room character and currently they cant see it from above.


Jon Stienaers

I use DA for my games ( via screen share ) it would be nice to be able to give the players the option of interacting with it themselfs.


DA as a VTT would be great, the speed with which maps are drawn and the availability to import Minis that players control would likely be the best digital table top on the market.
The biggest downside of DA today is that the wonderful maps cannot be taken into a 3D platform like TTS. DA could really capture the market of they get the price point right. I would certainly pay for this upgrade.

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Matt Menhennett

Would be amazing to just have it as simple as fog of war. Most of the other things could be supplemented like initiative trackers, dice rolling, sound effects, and monster stats, though if they were rolled in would be amazing. But being able to use it both first person and from the other views in program with effects would be the best thing ever.



I would like to see Dungeon Alchemist maps in 3d, maybe you can create a vtt-like game (Dungeon Masters *wink wink), with part of the graphical engine of Dungeon Alchemist, so people upload their DA maps there, you don't have to worry about 3D exports, and people will be able to play in glorious 3D mode with the token view function and you can sell the vtt/game separatedly for players only or sell a bundle including DA for GMs who would like to create their own maps. Soon we'll have RpgStories and Menyr that allows players to build their map and play in them in 3D, plus 3D canvas mode in other vtts, please don't fall behind because I love DA. It's not fair to only add a few Vtts features for people who play in person and forget people who play online, like myself.
And I understand that DA was created as a map creator, if a full vtt is out of question at least let people export their maps to another vtt that allows us to play in 3D.

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Definitely want DA to be a VTT, but to subscribe to anything within the game/app is not for me. Id be happy to make one off purchases for any extras i might want. but please no subscriptions.

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GLTF Export would make this an easy buy, then it's easy enough to build your own VTT.

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It might be nice if there would be a way to pre-bake a map into a non-editible mode, so that during live play, performance is greatly improved. Pre-baking is just a performance thing.

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Ronen Gregory

It could work if Dungeon Alchemist were integrated to be able to upload its maps to a 3d VTT in the making called Mirrorscape. Then there would be no need to work on trying to make DA as a standalone VTT. Mirrorscape already has the 3d and video capabilities, as well as fog of war, and ability for players to see and move in 1st person. Having DA as a mapmaker adds a ton more resources to the mix for Mirrorscape.

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Mark Skarr (Mark Skarr)

Mirrorscape seems terribly limited, and as a tablet/phone app, would be useless to people who don't game in person. With my group spread across the country, it would be completely useless to me, where a light-weight Dungeon Alchemist VTT would be much more useful.


Ronen Gregory

Not sure if this makes a difference or not, but there is a PC version of it now. I am in a closed beta of it at the moment, and games are being played through it just fine. I am in Florida and another friend plays from New York, and another in North Carolina, for example. I do agree though, that it would be nice to have a VTT directly from Dungeon Alchemist, but from what I understand, they are not planning on going that route.


Remedy Martyn

I don't believe the intention is to make ANYTHING close to a full VTT or anything like Mirrorscape or Foundry. It seems more like they want to add limited features for in-person play or quick screen sharing situations.

As for even IF DA could integrate with Mirrorscape, I assume there'd be the same issue that means they can't export 3d to TableTop Simulator or Ripper's 3d Canvas.


Jazmine Desilets

This is literally a mistake to add this feature, or at least to have it so high up on the board with the program still not even being fully complete. With wizards of the coast about to come out with their own VTT, your VTT better be DAMN good or you wont be able to compete with them. You better believe there's is going to be AMAZING. It would be a lot better idea to focus on one thing and be good at that one thing. AKA, map making. Diagonal and round walls isn't even in the program yet, assets shouldn't even be coming out until that kind of basic functionality is implemented. There is still a lot to add, and this is not one of them.

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Mark Skarr (Mark Skarr)

Well, considering that Wizard's VTT won't do a damn thing for people who don't play D&D . . .. Those of us who play GURPS, or Hero, or any of hundreds of other games that aren't D&D look forward to something else.

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It is confirmed that a DA as a VTT-lite is planned. Only basic VTT features can be considered (like everything you need to play on a TV table); online play may come way later.

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Status changed to: Planned


Yue Iohikazu

I personally believe that, at some point, DA should become a VTT of it's own, maps are already 3D, so making DA a VTT provides the best of the advantages to GM's and players, allowing each to rotate their view and line of sight.

Furthermore, triggers could be integrated, like for example, presenting all players with an aerial cinematic when they reach the entrance of a castle.




Etienne Brossard

I know it has been mentioned many times and that some people are already using DG as a limited VTT, but might as well make it an official upvoty suggestion.

Would be amazing to have a full VTT support in DA:
- Journal functionality
- Light of sight
- Music and sound effects integration
- Multi levels
- Monsters and NPCs/PCs token
- Combat functionality
- Etc.

Plus a ton more features that would turn this into the best map making/VTT software.


Ismael Zaim Wadghiri

Would be the definitive VTT dream

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So, to be honest I'm stunned with the things Dungeon Alchemist can do! And much more with the community interaction and the lots of updates it's having and also this roadmap! It feels like we are building all together. But I fell that Dungeon Alchemist is missing some "play mode". It's cool to export the map to Foundry VTT, but I don't think everybody wants to do it, some people, and I'm included, just want to use the Dungeon Alchemist. Mainly because of its beauty 3d scenarios look much better than just a top-down view from another VTT's. So if you guys could make some kind of "play mode", when the HUD goes off and you can just drag the tokens around the map or interact with doors and lights it would be awesome, because with this I could for example, insert the tokens of the players and share my screen on discord or something like that, and the players would be able to tell me where they want to go, what they want to do etc. For me this is better than use another software and be limited to the top-down view of Foundry VTT. Also to this feature be perfect I think there will need to have some other features like fog of war(besides this feature is already planned on the roadmap), and some way to have an splited screen, for example, the editor stills with the GM but you can share that "fake screen" to other players, so they can't see hidden tokens, rooms etc. Of course when I talk about this "play mode" I'm refering a unique cam like Tabletop Simulator 3th person camera, where you can pan, move and zoom over the map, not about the current first person or cinematic camera. In other words, it's the current camera feature in edit mode, but without HUD.



Merged with: Play Mode


irock youish

being able to have others join to move tokens around and view world as a campaign runs.



Merged with: Group movable token


Luca Vitale

It would be interesting a feature (maybe in the View panel) that allow you to "play" and not to create map.
Something easy that lock all objects in the position but leaves to you move all the characthers miniatures.

In the "payer mode" would be usefull also a feature like "lock/unlock" to all stuff in the map and also a "condition" marker (like prone, poisoned, other) or a custumizable note near the miniature.



Merged with: Player Mode



Merged with: Replace roll20


I would like this to be a virtual tabletop that everyone can join to play though the program itself


Curtis Borson

Since there is already the option to add minis from hero forge I think just adding multi-screen for GM/player and line of sight/fog of war would be enough for in person games and maybe even streamed games. Since it is not coded with multiplayer in mind adding a lobby would be quite difficult, though it would make for an amazing VTT.



full agree, honestly


erik failla

It would be cool if the game had a demo-like version for players so that they can join in on a map you made as token in first person, DM still need to buy the game but players just have to download the free version that allows only to posses a token and roam around the map in first person



Merged with: Multiplayer


Wellingthon Oliveira

sounds a great idea
with token + dice roller box + fog of war (its on roadmap i guess)
its like a VTT, unintentionally Dungeon Alchemist would be becoming a amazing VTT.


Are You For Real!?

DA is a map making tool. The devs have stated they are not making a VTT.


Wellingthon Oliveira

but with the token feature is a half step to be used as a basic VTT


It would be great to have VTT features. Even simple ones like rolling dices, tracking health, invite other players and allow them to move their PGs. It would make DA hands down the best VTT out there.

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Merged with: MULTIPLAYER!


Ethan Guthrie

This may be exceedingly difficult but if multiple party members could all log into/ host a game server that’d be amazing!

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Merged with: Multiplayer!!!


Add the ability to have multiple editors with separate inputs on the same map!