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In an upcoming release, we plan on "abstract lights," which are balls you can toggle on and off that emit light. Spot light...
The classic fantasy beanstalk. Small, giant, possibilities are endless.
Stairs come in all shapes and sizes. If I have a plain 10ft stair, I can tack on others to make it wider and taller without...
I believe adding coordinate grids would be a nice quality of life addition. It would make placing or adjusting the positions of...
Just a couple more options for the bathroom.
Would be nice to have a double door sized portcullis that is not part of a castle gate style entrance. Just a plain old...
Illithid / Mind Flayer themed rooms and objects would be great: pods, purple flesh floors + walls, tadpole pools,...
More bed options with more versatility for coloring the bedding
to show if a human or a orc was murdered in room or both
Many people, including myself have problems loading DA becaus it loads all assets. Could we please have a screen where we can...