

Sometimes the object you want isn't available, or you could even use these to represent characters, but a simple round disc that you could choose the colour of could represent a an object or character in the room, or just to mark a point of interest


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Merged with: Humanoid Token (For Scale)


A humanoid token or 2D model (similar to what is used in SketchUp) that can be resized like an object to provide reference for scale if designing mini maps or maps with non-standard grid.



Status changed to: Complete Object


Hastighet Pride

So with the 'tokens', is there any way to get more entity tokens (such as goblins, arguably one of the most common enemies in RPG tabletops), without having to go through Hero Forge? Hero Forge looks cool, and its useful, but I don't want to spend $8 for each individual type of goblin, zombie, animated armor, bandit, etc when I want to introduce new enemies to the parties. I saw the $15 packs available as well, but the fact that you can't edit those figures at all either is also kind of a let down.

So to summarize; does anybody know of a way to import new character models/entity models to use as enemies and npc's, without having to rely on Hero Forge?


Luc Paquin

i second Tony Heath implanting seats views for the players can be great no need to them to control their characters but if you want to make it i will just too happy to see it. If its happens the only things i will need after that is a fog of war ( room by room or section by section maybe ?


Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: Live


Tony Heath

Very simple mode which allows tokens to be moved through the terrain. Doesn't need to be a fully featured VTT but would love to be able to have my players explore my creations in 3d (even in screen share with me moving the tokens)

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Mac Community Manager

Merged with: Play Mode


Remy Martyn

Status changed to: In progress


Mac Community Manager

Merged with: Tokens or minis for world MAP



City Token, Hamlet Token, Village token,
Mine Token, Ruine Token, Dungeon Token....or change the word "token" for "minis".


Yo Vi Vi Yo

Now that we (soon) have the possibility to import miniatures from HF, could we have them move on the map grid square by grid sqaure using the up/down/left/right keyboards arrows ?


Mac Community Manager

Merged with: Tokens move with keyboards arrows


Yo Vi Vi Yo

oops it's already implemented.... forget about it haha


Joshua Coombes-Hall

I also support this.
However I think it is made up of THREE individual features.
1. Fog Of War: This feature is already on the list which is good to see.
2. PC/NPC Tokens: To start with these can literally just be circles on the map with an image in them. Allowing DM's to populate these maps with NPC tokens AND having a Fog that can be modified, would allow a DM to run easily using just this tool.
3. PC/NPC Models: This would be a stretch goal, but I think it's important to note that this isn't required for it to be a usable VTT.

I think that in it's current state, limiting DA to only being a tool for exporting 2D maps is a huge waste of potential, when it could become an amazing light-weight VTT tool.

Alternatively letting players create mods could also solve all of these problems, as I am sure it will become a fleshed out VTT within months if modders could get their hands on it.


Ayden Krueger

Add in some flat tokens with symbols on them to allow for play within the mapping software.


Remy Martyn

Merged with: Player Tokens



Can't you use the parchment for that, by uploading your own tokens?


Alex Gibson

So we can play the map, and have little player characters that can be imported, and run through the rooms. Obviously each room is hidden until it is entered. Can be started with a play map option, and a short character selection (Who is there who isnt)
This would be great to cast onto a TV, and really visualize the map. Options could also include all the types of enemies there are.
Alot could come out of this.


Remy Martyn

Merged with: Character/creature markers


Reasonable Doubt

The ability to place creatures and characters.

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I would really love it if this feature was added to DA!


Animatronio Fry

This would be very good and practical, i and my group love your app and we dont use vtt we play in your app so this will be great! :)



Create a way to share the map with others online. They don't have any control over the map, but they can see the view I have. Combine this with adding NPCs/PCs to the map, and you have a workable VTT.


Bruno Moreira Rizzato

Plz add a RPT mode on steam. This way we can play using the 3d model "locally" using the Dungeon Alchemist as a platform.



Merged with: Miniatures


Flint 651

Will Dungeon Alchemist allow to use miniatures or customizable tokens?



If you were going to lock them to the same view as you, you could just screen share 😅 with a couple models added for players you'd have a very janky but workable solution there...hell some alternate suites of armour and you're away! 😄

To be viable as a feature though I'd want indipendent control of their viewpoint, preferably with lighting for their [token|characters] field of vision, and limited control over the movement of their [token|character]

Export to Tabletop Simulator as a 3D map would be my preference over this though 😉 as cool as a single VTT tool that could design AND host would be it sounds like less of a feature request and more a product request 😁🤞you have my vote all the same drophammer, I may simply be dreaming too small!

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I came here to say the same thing. This would be a game changer.