I saw a listing for "Filthy tavern" and I agree with that...but it's just ONE option. As I create taverns with the program...they all look pretty much the same. I would like to see a dozen different tavern styles that the AI can build. Different color palettes, different types of furniture, different themes--a bandit's bar, an aristocrat tavern, a tavern in the slums, a soldier's bar, etc.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Status changed to: Complete Theme
I saw a listing for "Filthy tavern" and I agree with that...but it's just ONE option. As I create taverns with the program...they all look pretty much the same. I would like to see a dozen different tavern styles that the AI can build. Different color palettes, different types of furniture, different themes--a bandit's bar, an aristocrat tavern, a tavern in the slums, a soldier's bar, etc.
Merged with: Variety of Tavern styles
Status changed to: Live