Magic (Magic stretch goal)

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Malcav !

Open up a portal and let another dimension take over your map. Forge your objects from molten rock, crystallize a desk out of astral energy or conjure your bed from the Shadow Plane itself!

(adding this as info to the community due to ongoing discussions on portals, conjuring circles, flying candles, glowing stuff, etc.)


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Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: Live


Billy McNamee

Would really like to be able to make platforms floating in an Astral Plane theme

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I'd live to have things like magic circles and more magical effects. I mean we have some magic, but not nearly enough for the amount of magic that is usually used in TTRPGs like DnD and Pathfinder.


Brian Burmeister

I completely second that! I really am looking for a bunch of different magical circles, pentagrams etc. etc. to place on the floor. So many maps that I am redoing have this feature on them, but DA, as of now, does not have anything that really recreates this yet.


Greg Wojak

It's no different than a carpet object, except that it should glow or have lighting effects.


Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: In progress


how about more magic Decorations that can be hung on walls like windows Eg: magic circles (simple like Olympics rings to complex like Full Metal Alchemist circles) , runes (nordic, Egyptian, Chinese/Japanese characters), different Crystals (shapes sizes colours), Harry potter inspired items like "Rememberall" or "sneakascopes" Large tomes with eye's finger's, mouth's.... Magic mirrors with souls/demons/monsters/dragons eye in them



I guess this would go under this heading, with tokens and people using DA as a limited VTT, it would be useful to give tokens the ability to move up and down on the Z plane. I think Z is correct, but to clarify to float in the air. If the character is flying, levitating, falling etc., it would be cool to be able to show that somehow. I do know a workaround with a "blank" asset block and stack them as needed, but it would be nice if you did not need to "fake it". I know DA is not a VTT, it is and has always been advertised as AI Mapping Software, so I understand if this feature isn't important to your team. I'm just spitballing. I do think you should consider, after the full DA release, make a Hendrycke VTT. It could be in full 3D, you would be able to full control over how your DAM files import, you could have an inexpensive subscription model for monthly income, build out World Alchemist so the WAM files can quickly zoom into your RAM (Region Alchemist Maps) or CAM (City Alchemist Map) then zoom quickly into the DAMaps giving a full world building experience and the environment to play in that world. I dream big, even for others lol.


floating is the y axis, y axis is verticle, x axis is horizontal, z axis is depth (forwards n backwards).



This might be a little weird, but with the Moon Gates and now having tokens, I think it would be cool, while in first person view, if you could click on a portal and port the token to another portal you have preselected. It could be a fun maze/puzzle to try and get through a dungeon filled with portals the players aren't sure where they go and they pop into a room of monsters standing between them and the next portal they need. Or three portals are in front of you, one goes to a small platform too small to stand on that is surrounded by lava, another leads you out of the dungeon, and the third will take you to an amazing treasure that is guard by something very bad. It isn't necessary but if not too difficult to add, it could add a lot of fun. Thank you.


Aleksandr Uusmees

More magic, portals, summoning circles with the ability to color correct light and colors



Summoning circles, teleportation circles (or even a round rug I could put an image on), scrying mirrors, a cauldron that emits fog like dry ice does.


Gaëthan Vliegen

there is a round rug you can use an image with so make a Transparant background + image and you got this. however the rug will keep its small golden borderline


Aaron Howell

I used a piece of parchment that has this capability...not as pretty as a round rug would be. Now I'll have to replace it!


FS Carnage

I've felt a lack in these contents, we need more MAGIC!


Remy Martyn

Merged with: Crystals and other magic items


FS Carnage

Magic is a must be in Dungeon Alchemist, such like portals, spells, crystals, magic light sources and so on....


FS Carnage

Magic is a must be in Dungeon Alchemist, such like portals, spells, crystals, magic light sources and so on....


The dungeons seem to be lacking something that I consider absolutely vital: MAGIC! Runes & magic circles are what I'm primarily talking about, but any and all magical glowing items, walls, doors, etc.


Mac Community Manager

Merged with: More Magic Items


Remy Martyn

Merged with: Magical/Alternative Light Sources


Brenton Webber

Glow rods, glowing orbs (including on sconces), glowing rocks, burning/glowing swords, symbols or statues, glow-in-the dark fungi (or other objects). Glowing portals, etc. (each with normal customizable palette).

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Lars Emil Christensen

This! When video export is enabled, this is my second most wanted wish



Status changed to: Planned