More token

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Is it possible to get more token pls ?

Thx you


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Non-playable characters. Just your generic barkeeps or guards to start and then maybe expand from there?


j hahn

If you bring in an asset to use as a token, it would be nice to be able to assign an eye point like the other tokens.


Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: Live


hello, we can find some spécial stuff on the workshop like barbed wire or old machine gun, old car, it would be great if there was more 30's 40's stuff, and some concrete bunker :)



Status changed to: In progress


Lea S.

Especially NPC'S and Monsters, but more Character Options would be amazing. Alternatively to be able to colour the characters, like objects, would be very helpful. :)


Raging TalonS

The monster need expansion big time. The are only a couple. Please expand . This and the stairs, and multi level rooms should be the focus. Then this would be very nice program.



Horses and Ponies to place in Stables would be good

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Ethan Guthrie

I would love to have place-able monsters , dragons, beasts, and baddies for my Hero Forge characters to fight! They’d be awesome to see in first person!

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Edward Reiss

I definitely would like to gave e.g. cows chickens, horses, geese etc. Domestic animals for my maps. It makes for a good, crowded street s scene, foe instance.

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It would be nice to have some more "normal people" tokens. I'd love to populate a city with a lot of Peasants, merchants, craftsmen, beggars and the like (and without having to purchase each of them at Heroforge...).

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Luc Paquin

heroforge is there now so making animals seem a logic choice to make now espacialy familiars (animals and wierds ones) and of course horses ! ( they are a no brainers)

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Cory Newberry

I think this was kind of announced with the tokens and hero forge stuff? With fata Morgana?


willian wandscheer

some kinds of animals or animal tokens... anything like that.
I made a stable, but I felt that it's still very limited just putting a horse saddle and the like.... 1 horse would be greatcar

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Der Typ

i hope we will get some animals, also the death version of it. Just normal animals like cows, horses, bears, sheeps. Something like that.

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It would be nice to have different type of people like objects to add. to show a man stands here, a monster blocks this path. Etc. they wouldnt need to be animate, but placeable like an object would make explaining creature/people's placement much easier as i currently always use the suit of armor to show a NPC. love you guys!

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I would like to have sleeping characters in different position. Laying on the back and on the side. Sitting against a wall and slumping against a table.
They also might represent people who are doing their "forever sleep" for us who has a bit of a darker mind.
And if possible, different races. A dwarf or a human looks different.

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Would be cool to have some generic adventurer models for taverns or houses. Sitting, standing, drinking, eating. These models would add a layer of depth for creating VTT scenes for players. As it stands now, we can create these beautiful spaces that are completely devoid of patrons.

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Ryan Johnson

I don't think this is a good idea unless this program becomes stand alone. Currently it is intended to be used with and external Virtual Table Top.


johnson beast

creature looking satue that we can use instead of tokens as example a bar tender or monsters.



I don‘t know about NPCs, but some animals are as much part of the scenery as plants and rocks. Imaging having some fish in the water, rats in the backstreet, chicken at the farm, birds in the sky. Maybe even moving around in their field?

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exactly i was makinga map and wanted horses in the stable to my surprise... there arnt any animals at all


Jan Hoos

NPC's is something I add in VTT. But some animals (forest and farm) is something that could spice up a map :-D

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Da is pretty much a beautiful tool but it lacks mannequins such as a curled-up red dragon, savage orc, or even simple peasant. I saw some NPC suggestions but as a tool, Da needs placeholders rather than moving NPCs


Malcav !

A horse, a donkey, a pig and a cow would be great. They are a great ambiance addition going well with any already existing theme: farm, butcher, castle, etc.

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This would be great! Even to have a cat sitting around anywhere - let alone a handsome barkeeper!
Another suggestion: Swarms of mosquitoes, some flies or spiders. Just your regular pests. ;-)

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i like my sandwiches

be able to place a bar tender 3d model or villager model to add some extra detail and to see where hostile mobs are



Would be great to add animals to the maps, outdoor and indoor would be fantastic. Things like;

Horses, Cows, Chickens, Deer, Dogs, Cats, frogs, fish, bulls, kangaroos etc.


Matt Jordan

Cant upvote this enough. My RPG groups LOVE the maps that I have brought to life using DA and having villagers/guards to place in the locations would make them feel more ALIVE and engaging! Maybe even allow the NPC's to have color pallets to change skin tone and/or generic pieces of clothing or armor to give variety! to their looks!


Etienne Brossard

All kinds of animals (farm, wild, etc.) and villagers (poor, workers, merchants, nobility)

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Alessandro Maggiorotto (melting pot)

a cat, dog and horse or two.. (and a few more farm animals, if you have nothing better to do :P )