Video export

Aerynus - Lead Developer

The ability to export a short looping video of your map.


Activity Newest / Oldest



Thanks for exporting to the video. But can't I be moved to the Export menu as a separate category?



Status changed to: Complete Feature



I can export an mp4 loop video but the picture is damaged in quality terms.
I am trying to export in webm format, bit as far the export start, the process is blocked and never go forward. Is there some problem on it?
I ried using lo quality and different laptop (one has anyway a good memory amount)
Simeone can help? Thanks

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Amir Farukshin

I have same problem WEBM file type export stucks and nothing happens further

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Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: Live


Remy Martyn

Merged with: Animated imports for foundry



Could we get animated maps for foundry as like gifs or looping videos?


Tina Velez-Grey

Why have animated assets if we can't export them? I understand it's nice for in person, but i primarily play online so it would be amazing to be able to use all the stuff.

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Drew Bates

This would be amazingly useful


Kevin Reidy

If there were a single button that checked all of the animation loop times, then created a video the length of their lowest common multiple, I would be so so happy to skip the step where I take my videos into a secondary video editing suite to try to make them loop on my own. If that button worked in all Cinematic, First Person, and Overhead modes, I would be ecstatic.

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Export for Linux, too, pls

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Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: In progress


Yo Vi Vi Yo

not only webm as roll20 don't accept these file format for visuals....


Alex Spinaz

move to Foundry ;)

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Remy Martyn

Merged with: Export Animated Maps


Dustin Wood

Exporting to webm with animation would be nice. Flames, water, etc..


Adam Linder

Export animated maps as webm



I really love this idea. DA would be complete imo if you can integrate functions like Dynamic Dungeon does. Get the map on a second screen with fog of war with animated maps. The first screen is the manager and the second screen the player. All in one, no export needed to another app.


Eric See

I love all of the animations included with the objects when designing a map. But not being able to share them with anyone on my VTT kind of makes them pointless to keep on putting time into. I really hope the developers will start working on this.


maxime Plaisant

Notre table attend avec impatience cette fonctionnalité


Dungeons & Daleks

This is the entire reason I backed this project.

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Lars Emil Christensen

I've been thinking. The reason I want to export video from Dungeon Alchemist, is so I can use it in other DM tools, such as Roll20 or ArkenForge. However, if Dungeon Alchemist would allow multiscreen support (one DM view and one players view), it would minimize the need for Video Export for me atleast. However thinking about all the tools I have at disposal in Roll20, ArkenForge or VTT Foundry - making the video export contra a ton of DM features, it might be an easier to go with Video Export. I guess it depends on the developers vision for the software. Maybe @Aerynus can put some words on it ?


Alex Spinaz

They have stated its not a VTT, only Map Making in the past

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Quentin Bergamin

VTT foundry can support animated background. It would be really cool that we can export our map as animated background.

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Jaclyn T

Can it be coded to be uploaded into Dynamic Dungeon? My boyfriend backed this project from Patreon and is on Steam. I would love for Dungeon Alchemist to work with Dynamic Dungeon; as he uses this to display onto a tv for his game sessions; as an interactive map; pretty much a workable video. Or make it easier for him to import even as a picture (in high quality)- the low quality does not do justice for dungeon alchemist work!

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I totally back this idea!



You have also have to cut of the edges to fit the size of the tv screen. It would be great if the map automatically fits to the size of your tv so the square inches are 1:1 in real life. A bigger map than your tv could be dragged to get the playable part at your screen with fog of war moving along with the map.



Oh yesss, this and potentially the ability to have some different options for animations. (like for lights, flickering, vs constant, vs like strobing), or for water to have like, gentle, rough water, etc.

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It would be nice to export maps that are animated. The animations of Dungeon Alchemist are so nice, it's a shame to let them go to waste!

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Merged with: Animated Maps


Jaclyn Morgan

This is the single most update I am looking for. I run a handful of games for friends currently and while the maps I find online are alright I homebrew a lot of my settings so I would love to be able to use the maps I make behind the scenes for them eventually. I currently use Dynamic Dungeons to play my maps through so getting mp4 versions of my maps would be game changing.

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Remy Martyn


Lucas Bartusch

I would really love to use these maps for playing on a TV-Battlemap or online via roll20 and Foundry.
For this animated battlemaps are awesome and there is so much potential to create animated maps with DA. However, it does so much to a map when there are some "real" light effects. Flickering lights that produce shadows. Would be very nice if the light sources I place were animated.

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Michael Allen

I cheat; I use my phone and record short clips off my monitor to "tickle" my players with. But yes, it would be very useful to have it built-in as well.


Matthew Grove

I would lie the ability to export to unreal engine so I could make old time dungeon crawls. I would purchased another type of license with the company if we could do this.

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Archduke Vecna

Merged with: Support of Video-Export (e.g. m4v, webm)


I would love to use the dungeon alchemist together with dynamic dungeons. I believe the easiest way would be video-exports of the maps created with the dungeon alchemist.

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This is the single most important feature to me. Seriously, I cannot wait!

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So excited about this feature, going to be awesome.

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Yue Iohikazu

One of the key reasons for pledging on DA was that it had animated items, this is very important for me so that I can integrate on the VTT.

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Archduke Vecna



Add WebM map export option

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Lars Emil Christensen

I just bought Dungeon Alchemist because this feature (video export) was mentioned on Kickstarter. Glad to see that it is planned, and not forgotten 😊. Will still use DA but as stills-images in my DM tool until video exports are available, which will be so much nicer.


Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: Planned