Tricks & Traps (Stretch Goal)


You can now place traps, hidden doors and other secret shenanigans in your dungeon! Export them with your map or print them separately as tiles for use in your real-life campaigns


Activity Newest / Oldest


I was looking for certain traps like in indiana jones and the last crusade or other games. Spikes coming out of the ground, huge blades that go side to side and their respective ground markings, darts coming from walls,… i used the square ground fireplace as flame traps for example. In general some nice stuff you can use for DC skill checks.

Also I am missing the function to create an abyss like feature within a room. For example in redbrand hideout in lmop, you have a room with a cracked floor. I recreated a small abyss in a room with the open floor object, yet it is limited in its size. So had to put a few together and fiddle with some chain fences.

Thanks in advance
Ps tnx for getting me hooked on DA in Facts Gent!



Merged with: Traps or obstacles


Nicolas Astier

More assets that can be placed on wall, like traps and spikes



Status changed to: Planned


berek clay

i love putting traps in my dungeons, trapped chests, trapped doors, trapped floors, trapped everything, magic traps are my favorite, but swinging traps, spike traps, falling traps and more would be amazing