Image Tracing, overlay transparent image

Bruno Calado

Please, add the Tracing feature.

Tracing let you place a image (jpg, png, webp) in the map with a transparency. It's used to draw over it. You can use a old map to make a nice one in DA.

The image is trace at dungeondraft.


Activity Newest / Oldest



Status changed to: Complete Feature


Aubry Martin

I frequently find myself making a map, exporting it, then later needed the same map but with changes like flooding, destroyed walls, etc. Being able to import an image of my old map to use as a reference to build on top of would greatly improve that process. I’m grateful to see that this is “in progress” but disappointed that it’s still not an option yet.


This feature is Live.



Merged with: Map to map


the ability to place a pre made map on the map your doing at the moment


Spyder helix

Would love to see if there can be adjustments to the picture other than corner sizing. If we would be able to resize the picture overlay, it could help alleviate issues with tracing maps that aren't scaled correctly. We could scale the trace to the DA map.

  • G

Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: Live



You can kind of get by using PureRef but it doesn't lock in or give you a way to scale the image so that the grids match.

it would also be so excellent if we had the ability to expand the 'canvas' grid if needed so we don't have to start over if we realized while tracing we have miscounted by 1 row or something

  • G


Merged with: Reference image


Thomas Wittmann

I would like to suggest that there is a way to upload images to use them as a reference for creating maps


Benny & The Jets

This is quite literally the first feature my brother and I BOTH thought would already be in the program before we bought it. There are infinite number of maps out there that deserve to be "dungeon alchemist-efied" (i.e. the town of Otari I plan on working on) and tracing over a .jpg .png etc would cut that work into a fraction of the time. Also! Thanks for all your work on a mind boggling program.


Tobi Nørregaard

Basically allow you to import images to be used as a drawing guide. This is to make it easier to remake maps from campaign books in DA.


Remy Martyn

Merged with: Import Image to be used a Guide


Grumpy Grognard

YES PLEASE! This is a key feature IMO.
Especially as I'd like to take old D&D Module maps and use them as a blueprint to build a 3d model upon.


Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: In progress


Luke Hodges

epic idea i managed to do this with a program called pureref and donjon and made epic dungeons in minutes


Remy Martyn

Merged with: Blueprint as a template



It would be great if you could load an image as a background to create a map afterwards.
eg. the map of a dungeon so that you can trace it.

  • C

This would be a really useful feature to add. So many user will be ripping 2d maps from PDF adventures and will be expecting to load these as a reference to layout their 3D Dungeon Alchemist map. This import 2d .png image is in Dungeondraft and is a very used feature.



It would be wonderful, please implement this function S2


David Watts

If i could import an image of a module map or a linework sketch of a map to use as a template and trace it with DA, that would be fantastic.


Remy Martyn

Merged with: Import Template


Remy Martyn

Merged with: Background Image Template


Matthew Perryman

Would be a great ability in order to have either the ability to upload an image as a background to work on (i.e. recreating a map from a module) or the ability to have a reference window open so you dont have to Alt-Tab out of Dungeon Alchemist to check reference data.



It'd be neat if there was a tool that let me just overlay an image at like, 60% opacity overtop the map I was building. It would make it way easier to make accurate recreations of maps from published content if I could just stretch a page from the book overtop while I'm working.

  • S

Remy Martyn


Missy Terry

Since I am studying Game Designer myself I want to say first that you've done an amazing job👍

I have some suggestions on the Dungeon Alchemist and I wanted to ask, if you are in need of a Translator for a german Version?

My suggestions:

I was doing some maps with the Dungeon Alchemist and noticed, that I need to do a new map for each Floor I want to add. Maybe you can add a function which simply add an empty Layer on Top/below the current Level so in the same project you can build a Multilayered House/Dungeon/village etc?

Second suggestion: I made a BIG room and choosed it to be Random, it always made a nice border but repeated the same object after five blocks to the Inside. Maybe you can also add a function that if the Room is bigger than let's say 12 Blocks the random Function can either leave the inside empty/only one object each five fields or also add walls/doors and split the room and randomize each room it made.

I really like the ai-Option and know you've put in a lot of work🥰

Third suggestions: when I choosed to create bigger maps and told them to add lake and mountains/ river and Mountains/water and mountains I got a lot of cliffed stuff, with barely place to add a house or anything bigger than two to three fields, maybe you can add a variable, which include some plateau space of minimum 7-8 quares in the map, so at least one building can be placed?

Fourth suggestion:
Please add some Snowy Terrain, so there can be done maps in snowlands too



Merged with: Be able to import an image to be used as a guide to build your own maps


Lord Beorn

Would be great to be able to import 2d maps that exist already to use them as a guide to build on them your own maps. You should be able to control the opacity and size to make it fit when you build your own maps.
Another possibility would be being able to put it under the ground floor and have a button to make the ground disappear so you can check if you are following the map or not.


For recreating maps,working from a sketch, or creating buildings with multiple floors it would be helpful to be able to overlay images to help users make sure everything is aligned

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Merged with: Image Overlay in Orthographic view



Merged with: Import 2d MAP


Robert Wallace

Import a simple gridbased map and let the 3d generator bring it to life. Maybe select an overall theme.
A way to pull something from say

Donjon.bin.sh make it look damn good with Dungeon Alchemist to import into roll20 for play. This would let us keep encounters/etc from Donjon or similar with an amazing Dungeon Alchemist map.

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Love to be able to draw the outline of my dungeon before walls are populated. Sometimes the AI is a little wonky with hall ways especially. Thanks again for the awesome work!!!

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Sébastien Buttarazzi

import a drawing or sketch as a background


Andrew Pritchard

For example Donjon:

They already have a JSON export built in

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Merged with: Import dungeons from other places


Steven Stone

Very much needed.




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