Sound effects/background music

Aerynus - Lead Developer

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Marcel Pineoak

I wrote a detailed post about the audio structure for a game, covering what is typically done in game development here: dungeonalchemist.upvoty.com/b/feature-requests/audio-system

I noticed that some people suggested integrating Spotify or YouTube for music playback. While this is a great idea, it would likely require obtaining licenses to implement it in Dungeon Alchemist. I completely agree with their suggestion, as built-in music, according to the RPG master I know, often doesn't capture the atmosphere of the setting.

Additionally, everything related to the environment and SFX can be included in the scene itself, allowing players to customize the sound of game objects according to their preferences.


Centimar DeVarion

Glad to see this is planned, as I was just posting about this on Discord a few days ago. I'm more interested in sound effects that automatically play when certain things occur (like opening something), as I feel we can always play background music in another program. But how would they do this without overly increasing DA's file size or compromising its performance? Perhaps DA could put together a sound library but make it so that each sound has to be subscribed to, so that the install size is still not massive, and running DA remains as optimal as possible. A pop-up view of all available sounds would be awesome, with the ability for users to subscribe to what sounds they want, with the option to unsubscribe to each when space or performance becomes an issue. And perhaps with the option to replace a sound with their own sound file (like how we can replace a painting's image with our own image).


I think having torches and light sources automatically coming with audio that can be exported to vtt would be awesome. It would save some time. Other than that I don't think this is the most useful feature.



Merged with: Background Ambience Music


Tyler Gallien

I often find myself opening another application like YouTube having to get music, it would be nice to have some in game ambience


Personally I feel the inclusion of multi level buildings is a more wanted feature, and although I can see why the inclusion of sound affects is not an essential requirement, one should not ignore them. Sound and music really helps with area design, often helping me zone in on how the stage is set. If it's powerful enough to help the creator feel more immersed, then it's only a matter of time before the gaming platforms start incorporating them to help immerse the players. The Neverwinter Nights toolset had a great pool of ambient sound effects to help set the feeling of a location, which helped much in the creative process.


Jazmine Desilets

I hate this feature. This is a dumb idea. Why is this coming BEFORE you have even become a VTT??? Make your product do one thing right before it can do EVERYTHING.

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Darren Jones (Liljonesy)

Sounds of sewers, dungeons, cities, vampire liars and such that can be saved to the map so when the map loads the sounds start.



Merged with: Ambient sounds


Sarah Nightingale

Hey, I've been thinking about this planned feature for a while. Have you considered reaching out to Syrinscape? Seeing as you already have an agreement with Heroforge, perhaps you could do something with Syrinscape to implement their music through DA?


Igor Pereira

export a map with sounds fx placed by the IA is very greate, think about a song of a water running down a river, a waterfall and so many other things who emits some type of sound like, torchs and many others

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Bruno Calado

There is no point in add background sounds unless you can export it to the VTT.



This will be useful for my Twine projects


Valentin Orlov

Seems like a hard-to-implement but useless feature. I hope it won't be a priority.

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Bruno Calado



Wouldn't this be the function of your VTT, not your map making software? To me, that's like saying Photoshop should have a sound channel so you can listen to tunes while painting. If that's the case, there are thousands of 3rd party sound players that are much more evolved already. Use one of them. If it's for exporting sound with a video, then I'd say again - use your video editing software (much of which is free) to add your sound channel.

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Jazmine Desilets



Happy to license some of my Tabletop RPG Music series if that provides a quick route to getting some background music into the game. open.spotify.com/artist/1uXaU27zS9qxcm1IiilmN9?si=r1Gj7daqR9GaQb29vBcXcg&nd=1

Similarly, for sound effects, Michael Ghelfi would be worth getting in touch with. www.youtube.com/channel/UCDed9jQ1Y1gKeyjvkyFGkCA


Contact details: ian@ianfishercomposer.com


What is the idea behind this? I'm not sure how this helps with building maps. Is there anything else planned that makes this more plausible? Like multiplayer or a VTT feature?

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Some want/need input sounds or some music playing in the background for concentration.
Additionally, it could be an interesting feature for video exports or just sound export like foundry is supporting (e.g. having water sounds on the map).


If it will be possible to export the sound effects into foundry I am all for it. Otherwise it seems like a waste of time, sincr you could just listen to your own music, as another person already said. Photoshop, Blender or other mapmaking software don't have music integrated.

But if the export's working DA needs to fix the radius VTT specific things are created in the exported file. Exported lights are unusable for me, since I am using 1m distance and not 5 feet between squares. So everthing is 5 times too big and the map looks like a burning christmas lights factory.

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Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: Planned