aaron9eee |
Currently, the assets, while very pretty, are crazy huge. A desk is 10 feet long and 5 feet wide. An armchair takes up an entire 5 foot square. A fancy table is 25 feet long and 10 feet wide!
I get it that this makes for a very pretty room, but it's a hassle to have to resize everything so that a huge 25 foot square bedroom has more than a bed and a bathtub.
I'd like to see a toggle. Something that automatically scales assets to realistic sizes, or leaves them large for a more pretty display.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Please provide a way to universally set objects to a certain size. Most furniture objects (like the desks) are automatically scaled for use by a giant, not a regular humanoid, and yet the wall sconces are a reasonable size. If the grid size is 5ft, the desks are currently 10ft wide and 5 ft tall.
Mac Community Manager
Merged with: Object Scaling
Mac Community Manager
Status changed to: In progress
It would be an enormous time saver if we could have a way to set all our objects to the same scale rather than doing it one at a time.
Mac Community Manager
Merged with: Scale all Objects
I would like a setting to choose a universal scaling to all objects. For example I would be able to type in "0.67" to indicate I want all objects (including doors and windows) on default placement scaled down by 2/3.
Or better yet, choose the size of a tile (1m, 1.5m, 2m) and have all objects scaled on default appropriately.
Or at a minimum it would be nice if I could manually scale the size of doors and windows like I can other objects.
Trying to recreate campaign maps has been a little bit tricky. Furniture is all oversized and doesn't all even fit into a room. If I double the number of tiles then the doors and windows aren't always evenly placed. Clunky and awkward sometimes
this would help so much
Archduke Vecna
Grid squares in DA are 1m (3ish foot) not 2m (6ish foot).
Adam Francis
Why? No tabletop game uses this scale. Why would the default scale for the map tool not match tabletop standards?
Agreed. I'd actually like to see a toggle or slider for a general object scale. Related: dungeonalchemist.upvoty.com/b/feature-requests/scale-toggle-1/
Vic LaPira
100% agreed