Object Rotation

Unknown Ethereal

As the title says, It would be nice to 3D rotate Objects, for example, make it seem like crystals grow out of walls or Books are Vertically floating or have something on an angle as in Crooked

Currently, you have to have a separate object for Horizontal and Vertical items and that is if you can find both "states" for the object in question

For example: building a Book-case Library Dome is impossible at the moment (unless you want it to look weird)
Or posing a Pitcher in the Hands of an NPC-Model to indicate "Pouring"


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Mac Community Manager

Status changed to: In progress


Alex Lenihan

The ability to rotate an object vertically would be useful. For example, when creating a house that has been upturned, the ability to rotate current assets so they look like they have been flipped over, etc.
Such as a table turned on its side, or a candle knocked over on the floor.


Mac Community Manager

Merged with: Ability to rotate objects vertically


Jefferson B

Would allow all sorts of things to grow out of walls, cling to a hillside, fall on to the ground, or otherwise be placed more visibly to table top players.


Mac Community Manager

Merged with: Rotation along the X and Y axis


Mac Community Manager

Merged with: Gizmo for 3D rotation, please!


Tiago Leal

As an experienced content creator for the game Planet Coaster, I REALLY miss being able to rotate objects and any other elements in all directions using, for example, a 3D gizmo. This would greatly increase the possibilities for creations on the maps.

Below, a video showing exactly what I mean and an image from the video to illustrate.

• Gizmo for 3D rotation, please!

Other suggestions I gave in other posts.

• Terrain and mountains with holes:

• Water beneath land and mountains

• Water at different levels

• Waterfalls, please!