Multi-level support (with Roof)

Sesu Uisu

Creating maps with several levels.


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any eta on roofs/multilevel?

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Pat To

Will trees be exported as roof layer too?



can i request folks look into helping out my request that follows on a bit from this (in a slightly different manner): dungeonalchemist.upvoty.com/b/feature-requests/select-copy-mirror-paste-terrain/

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Benjamin Danan



Mark Brewer



As far as I can tell this feature has been "around the corner" and heavily requested for 3 years now? As other comments have mentioned, if the company haven't given up they need to communicate that because this looks bad.

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Benn Grant

Agreed, agreed, agreed!


Kent Narling

Would be nice to hear the devs comment on progress here?
Is it near finished? What are the thoughts/challenges/possibilities etc?

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Curious how this might be handled when exporting to VTT:
- Transparencies for each level above ground
- Each level is its own scene
- Other example options not listed
Possibly a selector within the export to choose one of several options supported?

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Curses! I came here looking to see if multi-level support existed, but found that it's planned. Oh well, it's planned. [begins tapping fingers impatiently]. Anyone know a good workaround in the meantime?

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Konrad Chiara

You can use the green screen field, or you can save the image of the ground floor and use that for background for the upper one
Repeat the process for every time you need. It's speculate that the multi level will arrive with the next update probably during the autumn. The last bigger update was intended as foundation for the next update

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Bernard Kauffman

I've been creating and exporting multiple maps into a virtual tabletop (I use Foundry). Not a permanent solution, but it works pretty okay.


Using Foundry, I export multiple maps into multiple scenes and use one of two modules: Stairways Teleporter or Monk's Active Tiles.
Stairways is faster and somewhat easier to use. Active Tiles has other features and allows many actions to be automated.



Need this sooo bad. DA won't feel totally "complete" to me until they add this

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Luca Tortora (Luke)

please now


Eric Luther

Can't wait for it!

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Cj Crillesen

do we have a suspected time we will get this update??

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Merged with: Improve object interaction


AbydoS Sonhador

There's a door downstairs, but it doesn't appear in the pit area on the other side.
The ability to create or modify pit walls can also be added.


Elf Monster

Would this work for caves and such as well, or only buildings?

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Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: In progress


John Offenhartz

In the interim, while we wait for full support, it'd be really useful if it supported "blank" tiles that essentially exported as transparent.

This would at least let me import the maps into foundry as an overlay, complete with sections that show the map below.

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Jules Lelay (Taratatsa)

There now is a green background available for export which allows for great transparent export with softwares like GIMP, for instance for upper levels in FoundryVTT.
In addition, you can also export with no border if you need the surrounding biome.

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Tiza Hex

I hope this will implemented well and in the export to VTT cause this could create some problems.


Dustin Wood

"Slice" at levels. Multi-level buildings, but also things like treetops that can be separated by level and rendered out. VTTs (Foundry) can use these objects as overhead tiles, allowing tokens to move under and over treetops and roofs.

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when this is finally added, i will be able to actually use this as a mapmaking tool. i honestly hope they release it in a smaller update rather than taking a 8+ months for it to drop.

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I would love to see this as a feature. Also it would be awesome if the differing levels were added into the .json file. To be used in Foundry with the levels mod.

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Adam Reamer

can we move this up on the road map.

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Alexis Schaefer

I cannot wait for this to be a thing!

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Greg Wojak



Jake Hansen

Dying for this :(

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Just got this software and i must say it is fantastic. This however is the one disappointment i have in it. The inability to build multi level buildings and dungeons will definitely limit how much i use this software. As well as the lack of constructing roofs not just from an aesthetics point of view but also to help prevent disclosing areas of a map i would rather keep hidden till my players explore those areas is a let down.


Andreas Lamplmair

I love to see such a feature in the future.


Rich Robbins

One of the great features of the software is the ability to intuitively generate exquisite maps easily. However, maps quickly lose their appeal when everything is one dimensional. There needs to be the ability to create fantastic maps with multiple stories.


Great piece of software. But this is what stops me from using it currently. Otherwise I could do significantly more maps in it for my VTT. Many maps I want to create have multiple levels -- even just stairs up/down to raised or sunken rooms in a dungeon. I see we aren't getting much info on when this might come to be. Looking forward to the feature when it comes.


Benjamin Nelson

Just got this software for the spring sale, this was the biggest disappointment. I want to make a map, which this does great, but I want to picture/video to go with it. Half walls and no roof really kill the picture/video feel.


Altair J Fernandes

Do we know what is the position for this in the roadmap? Given that is the most-voted feature

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Alex Spinaz

Adjustable multi-level support please, not just Floor 1, 2, etc.
A: Make an Option, where i can select the level height.
B: Also an Option to blur under some height, also adjustable, both in intensity and height.

Example A: Under wooden floor, a hidden pit with treasure or trap, and you want to only illustrate that.
Example B: A balcony, where you can see the street down blurred. An indoor balcony at a tavern, where it's blurred downstairs.


Jason McConnell

This would be fantastic! I noticed this was set to planned 2 years ago, any idea when this will become a reality?

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I keep hope ! Even just been able to put rooms on different elevation in the same map would be nice.


Yes please, primarily to adding a roof to buildings (for isometric scene-setting images that don't give away floor layout or contents!), but also secondarily to having multi-level buildings (eg. a house on stilts with connected steps down to the water below it).



Multi-Level with roof would be awesome. Then it would be possible to create 3D scenery from first person view with the map you will use as a battle map later.
A little bit like an integrated FlowScape.



I would ask, if possible to add not just multi-level but a "Foundation" option or buildings.
Certain buildings have an, 1~3 ft foundation height, that allow for exemple for a porch in front of the house, with a little stair of 2~5 steps up.
It would give the ability to give some "Mansion entrance" for exemple feeling, or "The house of the old curmudgeon" where the old man sits on a chair on his porch just screaming at people passing by.

Those are some exemples, but, i think more could be done.

I think, modern day houses call it Crawl Space? But i've heard it beeing called part of the Foundation (The Sims calls it Foundation if i recall right)
I know that in normal medieval times those apparently wasn't a thing.
But well, we're all here for the fantasy aren't?

Basically that little 1~3ft height foundation under a house to make it "above" ground level.

Or should i post this as another topic?

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Chris Yarnton

A roof toggle would be great so you can build with roof then on a click see into the rooms.

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Андрей Цыганов

Dear developers! I wish you success in achieving all your goals! We are really wait multi-level system ❤️

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yes please


Jakubek Ch.

I hope they nail this. THIS is probably the make or brake feature for the software

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Having a roof overhead in dungeons, caves and buildings would be awesome. It would give a better visual effect for the players. Being able to create a mutli-level complex without tweaking the dam file would be super awesome also. Could create a 3 level map on the same page instead of multiple pages, 1 for each level.

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More floors in booth directions (up and down) in one map would be nice. Perhaps with the possibility to show /print it one next to each other. :)


Carl French

It would also be nice to have the ability to place a transparent "roof" layer that would block light without needing to be building in the cave environment.

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Dave That

Please let us have 2nd and 3rd and 4th floor buildingssssss

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Franck Tison




A good idea would be to create layers that could be placed on the Z axis to facilitate the construction of multi-storey rooms.

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Itd be great even just for smaller elevations like stages or platforms or really any building on uneven terrain 🥲


Chris Campa

Please! MY biggest complaint currently!

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This feature alone would be worth its own update. This and being able to change elevations of some areas. You wouldn't need to add a single additional asset or model with this update. Once you get the multi-level working, I would suggest to release that and worry about roofs for another future update.

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Achim Steigert

This is such a hot item! I want to create the map of a manor with several floors. Frustrating that this is not possible yet. I have to make a work-around, being placing the levels next to each other as if they'd be several houses. Not quite the look I was going for, but as of now, better than nothing. :)

But I understand it's still in beta. No worries! :)

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Eben Barlow

So excited for this. Plus with Foundry modules the maps that could be made with automatic movment etc for changing location could be amazing

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I 2nd this, I saw there is a work around video, looking forward to seeing it as an official function.



+ also being able to change room height when placing rooms, not just when creating the map

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In the "Pit" floor option it drops the floor level to create a super cool basement effect. Unfortunately, we cannot place doors on that bottom level. So ideas such as a lowered dungeon with cells is not possible on the lower level. Would be super cool to have it added in!



Merged with: Pit Doors


+1, top request for us also


Megan Bondb

this would be a god sent update

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Benjamin Knockaert

Also, Please

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Oded Zohar

Also, multiple water levels (with the ability to add waterfall)

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Oded Zohar

Also, please allow different angle do each level (increments of 5 degrees each will be awesome)

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William Aksenberg (AssassinDK)

May I suggest that this becomes 3 dimensional rooms (so we could change the height of certain rooms)

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Evan Kasey

I thought this was already implemented, and I am disappointed that it is not.


Ármann Freyr

This would be fantastic


Devon Chung

I need this. It's the one thing keeping me from making as many maps as my hard drive will allow

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Definitely one of the most wanted features. It'll be great when this is implemented.


Vincent Devoti

So the Cartomancer Chronicles May 15, 2023 has this implemented. How do we do this?



It is not implemented yet. The map creator used stacking and Z-axis manipulation to achieve this result.



Roofs a would be awesome.


Calum Fitzwater

Definitely roofs. Preferably with the option to be removed when doors are opened. You could build an entire village in 3d, a bit like Flowscape, but with the ability to go inside!



Roof on buildings and roofs on underground complexes would be awesome



The player view without roofs is no sense. Please!


Franziska Unverhau (Funverhau)

im glad this feature is planned, cant wait to have it actually come true. i have so many buildings in my mind wich have several levels

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yuzh wang

As I expected, the vote for this feature is the first


C’mon guys 🤞 been so high voted for soooo long

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Caleb Mieszko

Pretty please with a cherry on top!

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I rei

Yes please! I'd love to have basements and multi level buildings.


Marty Step

Has Dungeon Alchemist mentioned when multi-level support will be added in the near future?

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Merged with: Stackable Maps


Integrating an above-ground map with a below-ground cave that stacks, allowing for wells/pits as access points and the ability to toggle between the two to build in either map.

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It excellent product for Journel snapshots in VTT roofs, it would help, and crazy objects love them ...


Jonas Sochor

Yeah, this is whats keeping me from buying this rn. Refunded the product since multiple floors are not supported yet, and its what I needed for my purposes. Very promising project though!


Trystin Powell

roof tiles with interior and exterior views would be appreciated! Man this product is awesome though!

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Fable Weaver

Same! Very excited about the first person views of the maps, but the illusion is a bit ruined by seeing the cut-off tops of walls, etc. would be great for town-level maps too- being able to only see inside the building once they go in

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Shai-la du Sith

That would be awesome. Creating entire buildings !


Colin Finch

would be so good to add gallery balconies, overlooks and tiered rooms

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Max Fr34k

i really need that! Thanks for working on it!


One hundred percent, something that all GM's need!


Want this!


Felipe Lega

this would be amazing!


Chelsea Burnes

This will help out so much with my plans for my games in the future!


Sean Mayer

This is great !!



This will be amazing. I imagine that not just interior, but exterior would be helped by this, because trying to make a gradual slope in an outdoor map took me quite some time.


sinan midillili

would love it if we could play with the rooms Z axis value as well for making multilevel city blocks (e.g. gondor)

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James Dean

This would be awesome for my hive cities


David Hall

Will purchase once complete



Must have


Juan Alvarado

That would be great


Par Monts Et Dragons

Need it so much !


Looks like now's the time to get this done. Currently available in TaleSpire. Gotta keep up w the competition!


Adrian Alejandro

Roofs imo, all the other roof textures look out of place



yep this owuld be great for my lankhmar across the roof tops campaign


Sarah Nightingale

I'm in dire need of this!


Алексей Припадчев

Really need this feature.


Mister Music

I'd love if you implemented this!
I think you could achieve this by creating multiple hide-able layers at set heights, then creating a property to each item that assigns a layer to the item. From there, each layer except the ground level, needs a property that determines whether it is visible or not. That could also pass to each item, so if their layer is toggled off, the items assigned to that layer are toggled off.
Also, you would need floor tiles for the different layers. It could be as simple as reusing the way tiles are added to the ground floor, except they would have to have some sort of transparency property, so that glass floors pass light, but wooden ones do not.
From here, you would have to adjust the “room calculation” and lighting to look at the layers above/below, in order to consider open spaces on all three axes, rather than just X/Y like now. If you stored the height of a room in a variable, your room calculation could also use multilayer objects in the auto-generation, if the room is large enough to accommodate them.
I also think it should be up to the creators to ensure supports exist, so you shouldn’t need to include a “needs a support within X spaces” calculation/restriction.
I think it’s a stretch, but if you gave each layer a global ‘height’ property, we could even choose the different heights in the layers, too. For instance, maybe we want a ground floor, then half inch levels to accommodate a town with multiple elevations, or 2 inch layers for large, vaulted buildings like cathedrals.
Also, we would likely need an option to export as one image or as multiple single-layer files, depending on printing or VTT preference.
This would all enable us to build the creations as we see fit, and would put Dungeon Alchemist head-and-shoulders above any other platform!


Van Yakos

yes please and free standing doors that will work (i.e. open and close) on second level


Vamrem NWN

Roofs are the reason I joined here. Upp!



hell yeah!



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Now is the right time. Do it.

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Brian Sommers

This is really needed

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David Watts

This is actually a dilemma i am currently facing. being able to build a multi-level location would be amazing.

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Remy Martyn

Merged with: Two story buildings


austin griffin

i think this could be accomplished by making a second "ground" area off the map or to the side of the original. right now i make areas like this by just creating a new building next to the original which is fine except it can be confusing and can cover important areas

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Etienne Brossard

Not sure if this is coming up with multi-levels, but it would be great to set the room height for each room independently, as you create them. It would make it easier to create different levels without relying on structural objects

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Remy Martyn

Merged with: Different Room Heights


Mnem M

Actually we can choose the room height at the map creation and every rooms will be created at this height. We should be able to create one room at water level and another at mountins top (or even at the current landscape level)

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Remy Martyn

Merged with: Create room on different levels within the same map


Kevin Kansy

would be awsome if there will also be foundry support in any way with multi level maps! :)

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Multilevel support within a map with levels that can see the levels below. Like a house floorplan. Roofs for building second floor of a building. Lastly ability to link maps together within the software like clicking on staircase to bring onto basement level but keeps the size of each map peice smaller.

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Bravo for this superb tool!

Having several levels and especially the possibility of having a roof over the buildings would also allow to create illustrations for the players. This would increase the capacity of the software in a narrative axis.

Thanks for everything

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Greg Beckham

I'd like to have the ability to stack walls, place higher walls, or size-scale walls so that in the 1st person view you can take images to show players and not reveal what's in the rooms beyond if there are large items. Since some rooms are 40' high and others are only 10', perhaps it makes most sense to stack existing walls. I realize that for the top down view and for current practical playing purposes, a feature like this would be unimportant, but it would make sharing the images with players MUCH better -- especially when 3D views become available to and downloadable to VTTs!

Also, one other thing... I am surprised that you cannot just make a secret door out of any part of a wall by clicking on that wall segment and turning it into a door... maybe the programming is more complex than I understand...

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Remy Martyn

Merged with: Maps allowing multiple room placement levels



Currently you can only change the room placement level when you create a map. It would be perfect to be able to place the roms on multiple levels on the same map. If that is not feasible now please add below water room palcement level.

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Angel Remon


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lolo loloinfo


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Have tree tops act as roofs, too. So you can have players walk beneath the trees and not on top.

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Lloyd Stanley

There any way we can get a toggle on/off roof for rooms in the mean time? Just to affect the light.

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Esteban Da Costa

If roofs are exportable to FVTT is would be awesome

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I'd be happy with different layers on export and maybe even only parts of said layers for different buildings.

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Rick Axon

It would be great if it was navigable in FPV.

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David Pattinson

i wish this was next

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Roofs would be great; multi-level is awesome!

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James Soller

Cannot WAIT for this one!!!

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Mark Brewer

I'm so EXCITED for this one!

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Please bring this soon it's the one feature I'm waiting on

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E. M.

+1 Thanks

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Please add Indoor lighting settings for rooms. either as part of this mechanic or beforehand.

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I would also like this to work with multi-layer mod in Foundry, but understand if it doesn't

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A dungeon where you can keep going down, dahm that be awesome!

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Alexandre Malhado

Create projects with several maps. A Castle project with maps for the floors, for example.

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Merged with: Projects with several maps


Thomas White

can not wait to craft Ravenloft



You mean like a canopy or having stuff above the ground be above tokens after rendering ? Such as the bridge above the players being above their tokens, or tree folliage partially covering the path from the overhead PoV partially covering the players ? That'd be dope

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Janes Signal

I just got Dungeon Alchemist and would LOVE to have this. It's nice to have the ability to pop through levels as I do in Dungeon Draft. Also, having a roof that covers the inside will make it so I don't have to make all maps "night time" so I can obfuscate what's inside until they get in there.

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Are you using Dungeon ALchemist as a Tabletop simulator? If not Owlbear Rodeo for instance lets you point dark spots on the map that only you as the DM can see through.


Nathan Wolke

Multi-level would be great, for sure, but just roofs in general. The export to Foundry is good and the top down is amazing but it seems like such a waste to lose the 3d isometric that I'm doing a screenshot of the map (if its outdoors or most of the map can be seen) so the players can see that perspective. But I'd like to put a roof on some buildings to hide the interior.

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As I'm using the Levels module in FoundryVTT, some real QOL improvements would be to be able to export directly into PNG (or even better, WEBP) with no background. As it is now, I have to export to get a JPG, load that into Photoshop, cut out the room(s) to get transparent background and then convert to WEBP.

Besides, it seems that the Export function automatically cuts out unused map space and centers the parts being exported. I would like to be able to turn that off, since it can make lightning and perspective differ between levels.


I've been trying to build some rooms on top of rises in the terrain so some rooms could be higher than others, but it keeps erasing the terrain when I do and lowering the room. I think it'd be cool if we could make some rooms higher than others somehow!

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Merged with: Building rooms on top of elevations





Reasonable Doubt



+1 for multi level capabilities. It is especially useful for castles with battlements and dungeons.

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Kevin Watters

Absolutely a NEED item ! Using Dungeon Draft for this currently...

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Spaxe 2

yeah multiple floor and multiple basement can be very usefull

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Canned Man

It should also be possible to make treetops roofs (a toggle switch). I suggest all trees with tall stems have this switched on by default, as characters can see underneath their treecrowns; whereas trees with short stems (before the tree crown begins), such as some of the pine trees, should have this switched off by default.

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A must-have for this program. Would make it a lot more competitive with my main cartography program.

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Merged with: Linking map and map sections


Canned Man

When creating multi-level maps, it can get quite confusing to know which path leads to where. Being able to select a map point, such as a set of ascending stairs, and connecting that to another map point, e.g. the corresponding descending stairs, would make this process much easier; it should also be possible to do this across map files. When doing such, it should also be possible to section off a map area, such that you could get an overlay (for example wireframe) of that area to work with, knowing which parts leads to where, which parts are above what.

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Merged with: Foundry roof tile intergration



if we get the functionality of roofs we could use that to set as a roof tile in foundry which has unique benifits of obsucring sight outside a building and revealing sight within a building.


Building a 5 story mansion in a single multi level map would be great.

Also would be great for building an underground dungeon that goes up/down levels on the same map or a floating island above the ground level.

Adding the ability to copy entire levels and move them up/down and raising/lowering the elevation to the level above/below.

Forget all the little cosmetic things people are asking for, this feature would be a game changer for what people would be able to create.

Simple visualisation, a spiral staircase you could see the entire map with all levels in one view and then select 'per level' and go up/down the level view to add doors/windows or objects into each level to make them unique, once one level was created you could use the 'copy level' function for an easy and fast creation of the total structure.

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Another great addition would be floating islands, like non connected, multi-level terrain. Could be hard to implement though.



Multi level support will be great and amazing with Dungeon :)


Chris Sells

would love rooftops on taverns, inns, magic shops, etc. as well as parapets on top of castles, keeps, etc.

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a level link to other maps would be nice like second levels or multipull dungeon's crypts eta

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or even map edges to to continue on say a path eta eta

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Hadeda King

A slider is probably the best way to do this, with fixed increments for the various recognised levels, but the ability to move it freely as well, so we can make things at micro-elevations.

With this and rooftops, we basically have control to move the camera to focus on a layer and can export images for each layer for digital play.

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Rooftops! The maps created in dungeon alchemist are sooo beautiful and then I have to take some crappie roof assets, somehow tweaked to fit my beautiful houses. That ist the opposite of satisfying. =D

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Not fussed about multi-level but rooftops for the houses when you do outdoor maps so they don't just appear as black boxes for LOS would be nice. Not sure if Fantasy Grounds will support this however.

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Tomek Prussak

It would be very helpful also if this had optional export support for Foundry's Levels module: foundryvtt.com/packages/levels, which adds support for multilevel maps in Foundry.

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Merged with: Rooftops



Create objects for roofs of different styles or, at least, floor tiles looking as roof tiles.



It would be useful to see the roof of the lower levels in buildings with several floors.

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Remedy Martyn

Having exports for every 8-12ft of elevation would be great, then I’d essentially have exports of every floor


Jan Hoos

I'm over the roof ( ;-) ) that you added roofs to this as well!




Etienne Brossard

All kind of roof types matching every existing style of buildings and walls. Make the roofs exportable as png assets so they can be used as roof tiles in VTT.

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Jan Hoos

ooeeh! the export idea is neat as well!


Steven Weingärtner

I would like to add to this. Foundry VTT has great support for what they call "overhead tiles". Those tiles can have a a few different behaviors for when a token moves under it. Roofs are just one big use case for this (and it would be great if it came pre configured for the scene). But another use case is foliage. It would be awesome, if trees above a certain height would also be utilized in this way. So a tree looks just as it does now when further away, but once you step unter the tree with your token, the canopy is hidden but instead the trunk is visible.

This would probably mean, that the "base map" would have to be exported just with the trunks (and no roofs), while each roof / tree etc. would have to be a separately exported tile, so that it each tree can be hidden individually.

Besides this foundry also has the concept of "background" and "foreground" maps. So basically it would be possible to add the "floor" to the background, while walls and stuff on walls would be in the forground. The forground layer is always above tokens, but is never hidden (that's the main difference to overhead tiles I think). It's a nice touch to make sure that tokens do not step "over" a wall or a door frame, but instead are always drawn belowit.

I feel like DAs 3D approach would be an awesome fit to be able to export all these things to utilize foundrys features to maximum effect :D

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Merged with: Roof generation


Jean-Christophe Desjardins

In order to create external realistic view without unveiling inside buildings

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Adding my vote for roofs as part of this as well. It would be great for those iso screen grabs for ambience before going into battle map mode

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Jan Hoos

Yes I'd love to have this!


Can there be a tool to put a roof on a building? There are battlemaps I would love to build that I want to put generic buildings around but not actually have an interior. I currently have to use a floor tile to "pretend" but it doesn't have the same feel of an actual roof with maybe a chimney.

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Archduke Vecna

Merged with: Roofs


Jan Hoos

It would be so awesome to make nice scenic images if we can put roofs on the rooms as well. We can make beautifull scenic shots to set the scene :-)


Chad Vance

Yes, this would be so great!


Remy Martyn

I'd love to be able to build rooms on stilts, columns, etc... Like Balconies at an opera, a raised veranda or porch at a pub, or a house over water or shed or boathouse on a dock.

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Mad Arkitekt

As a user, I’d like to build a mansion. This is not currently possible as I cannot stack floors and navigate between them using a token by following, for example, a staircase up. Ladders, dumb waiters, elevators, and other manners of locomotion experience the same hindrance. (I'm not trying to be cheeky or disrespectful, just very precise.)

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Archduke Vecna


Hagan Robb

Simple “rooftop” rooms that can have added balconies and chimneys. Change style and colors of roof features. Street objects like lanterns, sign posts, cobblestone streets, wells, etc.

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Archduke Vecna

Merged with: City/town/village maps


LeRatier Bretonnien

You should rename this "Roofs for buildings". The title of the feature is not clear at all :)


LeRatier Bretonnien

Mandatory to really use this tool for building !


Hagan Robb

Add the ability to make a copy of a map with a different terrain type to resemble a second and/or thirds story of a building.


Archduke Vecna

Merged with: Floor levels



Merged with: Balcony



Create s balcony that overlooks woods, hangs over water, etc.

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Archduke Vecna


Pavel Degtyaruk

It would be nice to have an option to create street maps. You don't need an interior detaling for that, but you defenetly need an option to cover a buildings with a roofs

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Archduke Vecna

Merged with: Rooftops



The ability to create basic rooftops for outdoor maps. It could just be considered an object and not need to be interacted with. I just want the visual of a rooftop. Just noticed that this is planned with multi-level support.



Merged with: Ability to draw rooms at different heights


currently you can only draw rooms at the base height, which makes it a problem when you want to create, say, a tower on a hill, or a mountaintop castle. having the ability to draw rooms directly on the terrain instead of the grid would be a good setting or even default for non-black parchment maps.


What I am looking for with levels is so I can show an iso 3D view of the 2 story "farmhouse" to my players from the outside and have a roof on it. I can then show the battle maps of the individual floors and export them separately. I cant show the iso view at the moment - especially without them currently seeing the layout inside the building, which I may not want to reveal to start with.




Alessandro Maggiorotto (melting pot)

a way to visualize the lower floors if you are showing a top floor that has a smaller surface than the floors beneath.
also, as a second option, a roof tile that hides all the content of the map underneath it, acting as an actual roof in top down view...
if those tiles could come with a transparency slider, a lot of very fancy graphic stuff could be achieved.


Ken Anderson

I agree... a roof tile that hides all the content of the map underneath it, acting as an actual roof in top down view...
if those tiles could come with a transparency slider, a lot of very fancy graphic stuff could be achieved.




B Straddlecat

Roofs on buildings

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Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: Planned