Travis Owens |
I would love to see a feature to flip the orientation of an object in addition to rotating it. I wanted to try and make a grand stairway to a second floor and the closest thing I could think of would be to use 2 of the corner staircases side by side but I need them both to turn away from each other which doesn't seem like an option unfortunately.
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It seems strange to me that this feature is not planned in the "fun with objects" goal, no ?
Kevin Combes
Yes. I really want stairs that wind counter-clockwise
Merged with: Flip and Mirror options
The objects could use Flip and Mirror options with the placement. That way we find something we like but need to change how it sits, we can. Example, to find a set of stairs I like but they go in the opposite direction I need, I could use the Mirror option to reverse them. Or say I find an object I could use in a design, but I need it upside-down, I could use the flip option.
James Young
This is low hanging fruit and is much needed. This has been asked for for YEARS.
Andreas Fest
This is a must-have! I need it for corner stairs.
Elyana Silvanae
Love this idea!
dave shif
Hello, it's been more than a year since this was posted. It seems like a simple feature to add so what's stopping the DA team from adding it ?
Archduke Vecna
It was only moved to planned 2 months ago and updates take time to produce.
The fact it hasn't been done yet clearly means it isn't a simple as you might think - there are technical issues with negative scaling in Unity that prevent simply flipping objects.
Lock _
This would be great. I need doors that open the other side! :)
Status changed to: Planned
Achim Steigert
This would be great indeed! :)
Alex Price
I often have trouble with the available stairs not turning the correct direction to match the planned geometry of the next floor, making it difficult or impossible to use certain stair models in my builds
Merged with: The option to mirror stairs
You have a clockwise spiral staircase, what about a counterclockwise one? Same for other directional objects.
Every turning stair case only goes up to the right. If you can't flip them then there needs to be up to the left versions.
Liv v
A lot of stairs olny have railling on one side. The plasterwork stairs for exemple only allow to have railling on the left side gouing up.
That's because in Unity, flipping or mirroring an object, Unity has a problem doing this.
Emma Detheridge-Davies
I would like the option for railing on both sides of the staircase and, for those that corner, to the left or to the right.
Dang this still isn't a thing? Thought this would be a part of map-making tools 101
Remy Martyn
Merged with: Mirror Items
I would be wonderful it we could mirror items like stairs as it give a great look to a room.
Christina Meiergerd
Would be great for big hallways with massive stair cases like a mation
Yes. Need this so much. The stairs going up all go one way.
Mr. Transcended
Throwing my 2 cents in here. I'm very surprised this isn't a thing already to be honest...
Would very much like to see mirroring as an option, especially for doors
Marco Leto
Mirroring objects will allow them to be used in a more creative and precise way, adapting better to the needs of those who are creating the map
Couldn't accurately reproduce the mansion in Descent into Avernus because the staircases provided were all in one direction. Mirroring is a must.
Ken C
couldn't agree more. This was the exact scenario i ran into 10 minutes into trying this program out. Mirroring would be a huge opportunity
Nicolas Vessiere (Nixx)
A symmetry option when placing objects
Merged with: Symmetry
Nicolas Vessiere (Nixx)
already in the feature request, sorry
Lars v/d B.
I'm trying to recreate the Redbrand Hideout from Lost Mines of Phandelver. This requires the staircases to be flipped (just like Travis' problem)
Max McLaren
I'm trying to build a tavern to a specific design and it'd be really nice stairs and bars didn't all have to be placed on the same walls.
Merged with: Object flipping
Simply taking an existing item and being able to turn on mirroring. Examle, I want to have two staircases flanking a doorway, with the base of the stairs meeting with their bottom stair at the base of the door. We have one L shaped staircase that will work, but there is no staircase to put on the other side of the doorway.
Visual - The dual staircase at the bottom of this page
Merged with: Symmetry Stuff by hotkey/slicer
Federico Prete
Add a Feature to create symmetrical stuff to its original. For example to create stairs that go up left and right at the entrance of a mansion symmetrically.
Remy Martyn
Merged with: Mirroring for doors and other asymmetric objects
Brenton Webber
Requesting the ability to change doors from left-hand to right-hand hinges (rather than open-in vs. open-out). This only requires a lateral image of the object. Could also be used for statues, pictures, beds, or any object that is not symmetrical.
Matthew Pounsett
Yep. I ran into both the stair rail and door hinge problems on my very first map.