Import 3D Models

Bruno Calado

Import external 3D models obj or glTF.

This would the users do even more with DA.

There is lots of models at: sketchfab.com/


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Humberto Bortolossi

how to import a 3d object? is there a tutorial?


Christopher Fraser

Is there a way right now to import custom walls/floors? Trying to do non-medieval environments. I'm fine making all the assets myself, I just can't figure out how to import those types.



Status changed to: Complete Feature



Is it possible to support for draco gtlf compression for imports? Should I create a new FR?


Justin Mattiuzzo

Would love if Unity3D was also able to be imported


Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: Live



With this I put a suggestion elsewhere but it's something linked to this. I think it would be important to have a way to assign objects a designation like table, trap, chair stove, picture/window, ect. So that the ai can place things appropriately. As well as being able to make custom room types. Like if you had a bunch of cyberpunk assets you could designate it as a cyberpunk room and add sub things like tables that can be placed. Thanks for listening.

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Nowe Lupino Ishmant

Well. I think I have a problem (maybe others too) with models imported and Hero Forge. I have enough RAM to play DA w/o uploading HF purchased minis (when you upload them... ALL them are uploaded at the same time). But, when I upload my minis collection... my DA crash down. When I had no more than 75 minis, well... the 80% of the times I played DA the collection uploaded well and I could use them. But now that my collection is far more than that... DA cannot play if I upload them. So, my suggestion is... for people like me that have not a NASA pc (or something like that with expensive hardware)... would be a way to upload only selected miniatures or mini packs, and then DA maybe won't crash down in the process? Thanks for watching.


I think that while 3D import is good, there's going to be some serious issues with quality. Many models out there aren't optimized for gaming systems (STLs for 3D printing are usually far more complex than they need to be), so there's a ton of opportunity here for killing performance and having really bad results.

If this update included an open library that people could submit their models to, this would be an incredible addition. If there was a community supported library with high quality models that were textured in the DA style, then it might open the door to community-sourced quality content everyone could benefit from - but moderation and great guidelines / style guides are needed to pull this off.

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I think models anyone purchased would not be shared through the DA store. I want to be able to import models I have purchased for my own maps. I have already experimented with this by manipulating a JSON file. I imported 6 pieces with no problem.
A community library would be great for models a creator make themselves and share.


Robert Thomas

Would be willing share how you modified the json file, I am looking to see what can be done to create some cyberpunk elements


The way to do it was explained in DA discord. Which I can't find now, lol. It works, but they can't be exported with the map; it's just not there. Though you can take snap shots of the scene. The reason for this is that it's made for hero forge copyrighted tokens, and they aren't allowed into the exports.


Roy Aster

With the ability to import custom models, I hope that this also then makes way to allow users to create custom "rooms" to go along with them. I think having that be something that works hand in hand with the Steam Workshop could make it incredibly powerful to easily make new room types, and allow users the ability to subscribe to room kits with custom items in them for easy generation.


If they can figure out how to do stl files it would be a god send


tobiah ford

Kind of need it to fully make the program worth it

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Richard Rudham

This is a make or break option IMO

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Jeff Gates

Is there an ETA on this?


Kyle Wright

please god, even if this is a subscription feature I will use it as long as there is no cap

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Johnny Casady

Absolutely! I'm not paying $$ to get a Hero Forge membership and then paying again every time I want to import a digital character. That is simply outrageous.

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I Guy

The second thing I wanted to do after making an awesome map and hapily using it with my group was import some custom models from blender. Super happy to see this on the roadmap!


Hopefully this will include steam workshop support

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Daniel Marí

As a profesional 3D artist that is also a DM, this would be a dream come true for me!

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Remy Martyn

Merged with: Creation of objects by users


Damiano Stano

You should release within the software a tool to make yourself objects. Regularly, as with maps, compete for the best user-created objects and include them as standard.
The place where items for the competition are uploaded could be a kind of hub outside the game where users can still download the items they didn't win and include them in their standards.
With this feature, the number of items available and their quality would rise exponentially and relieve you of some work.


Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: In progress


Juan Alvarado

I just found out that you have HeroForge imports, which is pretty cool. I can only solidworks so most of the models I would make would be great for space, lol, but would still be nice to import it


Mael Penhoat

Or .fbx or .glb or .unity3d types😉


Remy Martyn

Merged with: Importing STL/3D Files of Miniatures and Items


Jeff Gates

I 3d print my minis for my home games and have subscriptions that have allowed me to acquire hundreds of STL files that I would love to be able to drop into a map to liven up scenes. I see you can a selection of NPCs we can use but it would be amazing to be able to drop in 3d versions of the minis we've used on our tabletop for over a year.

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better than obj of gift fbx, unity can handle this files


The ability to support 3rd party content creators, and integrate their catalogue of 3D items within Dungeon Alchemist as objects, as well as custom textures for Walls, Floors and general terrain.

It would greatly speed up the overall progress of the product, as mapping software is heavily reliant on the availability of various textures and themes.


Archduke Vecna

Merged with: Patreon Support





Noroelle Rion

A way to not only import assets but to export the Map as 3D Model would be cool too.


Dan Lynch

This is my first successful attempt at importing an asset (character). Using Blender, I imported one of the DA character assets (.glb). took a 3D model for printing, shrunk it down 1000x, Replaced the DA asset geometry with my own. applied the material. exported it as a .glb. moved it to the original DA asset folder (Dungeon AlchemistDungeon Alchemist_DataStreamingAssetsModels5465095). then just loaded the game as normal.

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Bruno Calado

I couldn't reproduce. Can you create a step by step tutorial or give me some tips on DA server? @brunocalado#1650

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Merged with: Import/creation of 3rd party assets


Gene Chan

Letting 3rd party/community made assets to be imported and used in DA would help it flourish as a map making tool. Just look at how Dungeondraft took off since inception after community made assets were made possible.


Valentin Orlov

I wish I could actually add the model I made to the map. It is there, according to the map plot.


Remy Martyn

Merged with: Import Unity3D



I would like the ability to import Unity3D tokens. This feature is similar to importing tokens from Hero Forge, but for files not in Hero Forge. This is also similar to importing models, but it seems the current feature could be generalized.



Thank you Aerynus! please consider Blender assets as well.

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Aerynus - Lead Developer

Status changed to: Planned



Merged with: Minis


philippe antoine

To have the ability to import minis from heroforge would be awesome.


Erik Miller

Combo this with working with Steam workshop and DA would explode.

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Marshall Deupree

This is the only feature I personally think is missing from Dungeon Alchemist.



I know poly count and texture are a big roadblock to this but I was recently reading that you can check the polycount before opening at least the obj files so you can set an upper limit that way.

Other than just making the existing textures available for use in your own modelling I have not thought of a decent solution to that.


Quentin Bergamin

It would be really fun if we were able to add our own 3D assets in dungeon alchemist



Merged with: Custom asset import


Sounds like an awesome idea +1


Landon Montgomery

I would like the ability to import objects that we may create or find elsewhere. Examples could be obj objects for 3d printing/designs could be imported, maybe with a base color assigned or something. Point being, the number of objects provided by the team can never meet people's expectations or desires, but allowing us to import objects could remove a significant burden from the team to develop things people want.

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Thomas Jefferson

An Option to the community upload own projects for an market or local upload.



Merged with: Custom Assets and Objetcs


Rick Falkvinge

There's a whole lot of suggestions for new objects here -- all in people's own style. It's going to be hard to meet all of it with one development team.

Why not add functions to import external libraries of objects, to let everybody add things to their style without it overcluttering the mainline install?



Merged with: Meta: Ability to create/import own objects


Richmond Montebon

A feature to import custom 3D objects like an .stl file for more customization



Merged with: Import custom 3D objects



Merged with: Import Hero Forge Models



Importing of Hero Forge models for scenes artwork or for use as in game statues etc.


All Star X-Tra

Please add EBX to the list XD that would make things easier for me too




Djordje Markovic

Add a feature to import custom fbx/obj files or any similar (we’ll adjust). It will greatly improve customization and also allow us to actually play battles inside your application.
Imagine importing mini figures of dragons, monsters, and player’s heroes (from say heroforge) and moving them around the map while you play. It would beat any virtual tabletop engine right away (for live play at least), as you’d have awesome maps and 3D tactics (even more so when you add levels and roofs)

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Tydorius Jenkins

Dungeon Alchemist desperately needs this feature. Right now, it's useful for sandboxing ideas and doing very quick things, but not for anything that requires detail work. Additionally, it forces us to whatever genres the creators have chosen to support, meaning it can't be used for Starfinder or other non-medieval fantasy settings.

I appreciate the models that have been added thus far, but the developers can dramatically increase the lifespan of this product by adding a framework to support custom model imports.

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To be fair, it's called "Dungeon" Alchemist, not "Warhammer" Alchemist. It does not desperately need this function; it is an incredible tool as is and if you think it's just a sandbox then you're missing all the community created maps on display in the Discord server.


i like my sandwiches

each map could be completely custom with the creators own touches



at the beginning it is. Like what I imagined the workshop, everyone will share models. It is necessary for DA to survive the competition and it would greatly improve creativity.

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Emil Pedersen

We've all been in a situation where we just have to place down some object that doesn't exist in the application we're using. in most cases a quick edit in photoshop might solve the issue, but it doesn't have to be like that. We have a lot of talented artists in this community so why not open DA up to CC?

All the greatest map makers have this feature more or less.
I believe it to be extremely beneficial to the survival and competition of DA.

Not only would we get more content faster but we would also be able to add specific things ourselves that we might specifically need for our campaign.

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Colin Buckler

All imported objects should have a license information for them which is filterable - i.e. exclude items that are not commercial use.
plus a report of all objects used - the authors name, contact details and usage rights.

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Archduke Vecna

Merged with: 3D Model Import


Alexander Rust

I think it would be cool if you could buy the 3D model of a Hero Forge mini and import it into the program to move around or just add atmosphere.

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