Group/Ungroup/Merge/Save objects together to make a Compound Object


Now that collisions are off (and once selecting multiple objects at once becomes a thing) I'd like to be able to group/ungroup them together so I can move them as a unit. And then if I'm sure that it's exactly the way I want it, perhaps to merge them together (though that may not be needed if I can just group and ungroup them).


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Mac Community Manager

Status changed to: In progress


Mac Community Manager

Status changed to: Planned



Would love a feature like a blueprint book (factorio style). Click and drag to copy assets, group them and paste them into your book. Your book is account wide so all blueprints can be received in different maps and/or shared with the community. Would love the idea of sharing custom bar tables, closets, sheds, any repeatable object with the community and be able to cycle through them when creating new maps! Appreciate all your hard work!

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Merged with: Composite Objects



The ability to place, move, objects (already in). Then the ability to combine them by selecting all of them, grouping them and saving them as a custom reusable object in the same or other maps.

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Michael Blox

The ability to group objects together and save them as a favorite(like a group select but being able to save it. Like if I made the outside of a train I’d be able to reuse it by saving them as a grouped item

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Merged with: Save Combined Assets



Often, I'll combine several assets into a group which I'd like to be able to re-use in other maps. It'd be great to be able to save a collection of assets as a new custom asset.


berek clay

this would be very good


Devin Watkins

People are building large objects that are assembled from a lot of smaller objects (stacked or placed within each other). It would be nice if there was a way to group all of those objects together and save them as a group so that they can be easily placed as one combined object. (internally it would just need to store which objects, how they are placed relative to each other, and each of the object's properties such as hue shift, then place each individual object when the combined object is placed.)



Merged with: Save Combined Object



Make it so we can create prefabs and store them in the objects panel.

Prefabs should be a collection of objects that you can save for later that act as a single object.


Be able to group assets to move as one; and to select multiple assets and be able to resize/recolour, e.g. hold modifier, click and drag to select or click on assets, and be able to resize/recolour all.



Some objects are groups of other objects, and when you move them, they move as one group. For example the tavern table, when you move the table, the chairs move with it. I love that functionality, but if you make any modifications to any of the components or replace some of the underlying objects, they don't move like that anymore.

I would like top request the ablility to select multiple objects, and group them, so they will move as one. It would also be nice to be able to delete and duplicate the whole group as well.



Merged with: Grouping Objects


I'm building complex pieces made of several smaller ones. being able to combine/merge them into a single piece for ease of replication/moving would be awesome - almost necessary.

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