Export 2D slices for 3D scene reconstruction

Rodrigo Luque

As the implementation of the 3D export feature is not currently feasible and exporting a 2D image with 3D perspective often yields unsatisfactory results, an alternative solution is to export a 3D scene as a series of multiple 2D slices.

Slicing a 3D scene using orthographic projection is straightforward to implement by utilizing near and far clipping planes. This approach involves generating multiple images with varying Z-depth, and due to the limited information in many of these slices, they can be highly compressible.

Utilizing 3D reconstruction techniques from these 2D slices becomes a viable method for reconstructing the original 3D scene. An additional alternative is to render directly from 2D slices in real-time using a shader, although the computational cost may increase depending on the number of slices and passes involved.

To minimize artifacts in visualization, restricting camera freedom can be considered. This approach offers significant advantages for enhancing immersion in Virtual Tabletop (VTT) platforms.


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A viable technique for sure. However, the file sizes and the fact that you need another piece of software with knowledge on how to compile those images for 3D for most will not be doable. Most of the peeps already don't want to take the time or don't have the time to learn how to create or import models. For someone like you or me who may have the knowledge this seems an easy alternative and it is a possibility, but time will tell and since we are not the developers and don't have the full picture . Unity may be a big factor as to if this can be done or not.