I'd like to attach a request to this that light cutomization also allows exact control over the values used in exported maps. E.g., if I need a torch in dnd5e it can be set to export exactly as 20ft bright light radius and 20ft additional dim light radius, rather than being tied to the in-engine light intensity.
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Status changed to: Complete Feature
Brittiny Pettengill
Adding to this, giving the option of dark, dimly lit, or brightly lit at room generation. I have a lot of torches to remove lol
Christof Rack-Stefaniak
This is really cool feature. love it
Aerynus - Lead Developer
Status changed to: Live
The Dave (WikiSnapper)
It would also be awesome to be able to turn off all of the lights at the same time with one UI button.
Ryan Fox
Since Foundry seems to be the main export type, being able to select the default lighting effects from there would be an excellent start.
Colin Buckler
Allow lights to flicker - FGU supports this for light objects.
Jonathan Miller
I'd like to attach a request to this that light cutomization also allows exact control over the values used in exported maps. E.g., if I need a torch in dnd5e it can be set to export exactly as 20ft bright light radius and 20ft additional dim light radius, rather than being tied to the in-engine light intensity.
Aerynus - Lead Developer
Status changed to: In progress