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With upcoming Steam Workshop integration, I’d love to see an auto save feature. Even if it’s just an “every 10 minute” save, it’d help avoid lots of lost time in maps that take hours.
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Mac Community Manager
Status changed to: Complete Feature
Roy Childress
I just lost an hour of work because Dungeon Alchemist doesn't autosave unless you have already saved the file once. There should be a temporary place NEW maps are saved. I generally don't think to save them until I'm done.
Harley Frank
I am glad they added it but it should be on by default, even if the map hasn't been titled yet.
Scott McLachlan
Completely agree. Lost 3 hours of work after a crash and had forgotten to save.
Aerynus - Lead Developer
Status changed to: Live
Mac Community Manager
Status changed to: In progress
Tor-Ivar Krogsæter
Just lost an hour’s work for lack of as autosave feature and for lack of remembering to press Ctrl + S.
Maciej Radzikowski
To add to this, especially with auto-save, it would be nice to have an indicator whether the file is modified or not. A simple * next to the name to show that the dungeon is modified would be enough.
Magnus Pryer
I'm surprised that this hasn't been implemented already. This program has a tendency to crash, so an autosave would save all of us a lot of pain! Especially for those of us with bigger/more intricate builds
Sarah Nightingale
After just finishing a 4 hour build, I went to look around in first person, and my PC blue screened. I lost everything.
A quicksave/autosave feature would be great
Merged with: Quicksave/Autosave
please please put in an autosave I cant tell you how many hours I have lost by getting into a zone and having a crash.
Alex Spinaz
Ask "Map Name" upon map generation/creation would also boost this feature
Alex Spinaz
yeah, just lost 2 hours of work
Alexandre Malhado
Config suggestions:
- Turn ON/OFF
- Choose amount of minutes between autosaves
- reset autosave timer after saving (ON/OFF)
Canned Man
I would love for such a feature to include an optional setting where you choose whether to overwrite the existing file or save to a new file (i.e. Map 000.dam, Map 001.dam, Map 002.dam and so forth). This protects the user from corrupted data.
Lucas Van Enger
I was in the zone starting from scratch and went for almost 4 hours. Then it crashed and I lost it all. My fault for never saving, but an autosave feature would really save the aggravation.
I just spent quite a bit of time making a map. Got so absorbed I forgot to save about 30mins or more of work. Was a pain to get right and the program just locked up. Spinning gears for over 10mins. Ended the task and of course lost all that work.
If I had an auto-save feature I would have only lost a few minutes, instead of 30mins+.
This is needed urgently while they make the product more stable. First time its happened, but who knows what may cause this again in future.
EDIT: In the mean time you can hit CTRL-S to save. I managed to do it even after it locked up again.
Martin Birdsall
or an autosave when you export the map
Colin Buckler
Should be customisable. Autosave (on by default), Every X minutes (10 by default)